It's National Limerick Day in the USA and since limericks are fun, short and sometimes a bit naughty, well let's face it, some are pretty gross, let's share some of the more palatable limericks here today.

According to;

Limerick Day celebrates the birthday of Writer Edward Lear (1812-1888).  It also, of course, celebrates Limerick poems. Limericks were popularized by Lear in 1846 in his Book of Nonsense also gives us this definition of a Limerick:

A Limerick is a humorous verse or poem. It is five lines longs. It's name come from the city of Limerick, Ireland. The first two lines rhyme with the fifth line rhyme.  The third and fourth lines rhyme.

With that in mind Lisa gave us two this morning that may or may not have been cleaned up a bit for radio consumption:

There once was an old lady from China
who boarded an ocean liner
she tripped and fell
and twisted her neck
now she can see right behind her.


There once was a lady from Leeds
who swallowed a packet of seeds
in less than an hour
her top was a flower
and her bottom was covered in weeds.

I was inspired to write one this morning, so here it is:

There once was a man from Kent
who kissed women where ever he went
He got slapped in the face
for one he misplaced
so he gave it all up for lent.

Please feel free to share one of your favorites, keep it clean though. It's a family show.

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