I'm very happy to report that I have not lost my Quadcopter yet.


Honestly, I thought this thing would be easier to fly than it is, but remember I am a complete novice. Before this I tried to fly a quadcopter just once that belonged to a friend of mine. I didn't break it but I did manage to get it stuck in a tree for a little while.

This first flight attempt was in my driveway which obviously hasn't been swept up in a while, that's kind of embarrassing, but oh well. It took me a little while to figure out which way was up, down, left, right, rotate left, rotate right, etc. Which all this is kinda funny to me since I have been flying flight simulators since they came out on PC. Plus I've been student pilot for a long time, what can I say, it's an expensive hobby. So I can fly a real plane and flight sims but this silly thing befuddles me to no end.

After fumbling around for about 10 minutes I was able to achieve a fairly stable hover before the battery gave out, so I'm calling this a WIN!

I have ordered extra batteries and next week we're going to try out the "HD Video Cam" and see how well that works.

Thanks for watching!

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