For some kids, breaking a bone is the coolest thing on the planet.

I have come to the conclusion that I will never have a viral video of me coming out of anesthesia like this. I am the patient who wants the lights down low, noise to a minimum and you better get me in my own bed in less that 2.5 seconds.

This kid is the complete opposite.

After receiving a sip of the good stuff, purple Gatorade, Walker wakes up to find HE HAS A CAST! And it is easily the coolest thing that has ever happened to him.

In the description, it says that he fell off his rope swing and broke his arm in two places. It was too difficult to set his arm while he was awake so they put him under. It also says that this was not the first time he woke up to find his new accessory, but he did have the same reaction every single time.

My favorite part is when his dad covers his arm to prevent him from overdoing it with the excitement. This only adds to the problem as he thinks he has lost his arm forever.

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