Do you snore? Do you rattle the windows or shake the house when you snore. I suffer from sleep deprivation and yes I snore but I now have a C-PAP machine which really has helped me get a good night's sleep and cut down on the snoring. I'm sure there have been plenty of marriage's wrecked because of chronic snoring. Some are louder than others but I can remember I went camping with some friends one day and we were staying in cabins which were separated by several yards from one another and in the middle of the night I heard what sounded like a growl. My first reaction was it was a bear because there were bears in the neck of woods we were staying but as I continued to listen I realized it was one of my friends in another cabin, clear across the field from where I was. It was a wonder he didn't scare the bears off as it was very loud.

I guess it could have been worse and sounded like this guy. The poor guy said he was sick and had a swollen throat. What do you think real or not?



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