
Do Not Look Directly At The Sun! DIY Eclipse Viewer Ideas
Do Not Look Directly At The Sun! DIY Eclipse Viewer Ideas
Do Not Look Directly At The Sun! DIY Eclipse Viewer Ideas
Saturday's Annular Eclipse looks to be a good one here in the Ark-La-Tex, we in this part of Texas and Southwest Arkansas won't get the full eclipse view that they will have in West Texas but we will get a partial, and with near-perfect weather featuring sunny skies and mild temperatures. But how are we going to view the eclipse if we can't find any of those eclipse-viewing glasses? We have some a
Could This be the Mystery Behind the Floating Max?
Could This be the Mystery Behind the Floating Max?
Could This be the Mystery Behind the Floating Max?
You've probably heard about or better yet seen the video of the display on Tik Tok that has 14.2 million viewers shocked and stunned at how a resident's home in the suburb of Chicago, Illinois was able to make the character Max from the hit TV show "Stranger Things" appear to be levitating in front of their home.
Easy Hacks to Know if You Have a Water Leak [VIDEO]
Easy Hacks to Know if You Have a Water Leak [VIDEO]
Easy Hacks to Know if You Have a Water Leak [VIDEO]
Texarkana and Bowie County officials met to discuss the recent damage from the winter storm last week. If you live in Bowie County be sure to assess the damage to your house especially any water leaks. There a lot of people that have experienced broken water pipes. The damage that can do to a house can get very expensive very quickly.
 DIY Pinhole Projector
DIY Pinhole Projector
DIY Pinhole Projector
If you don't have glasses, and you're not Superman, this is an easy way to view the eclipse with just two pieces of paper.
Make a Homemade Air Conditioner For $8 [VIDEO]
Make a Homemade Air Conditioner For $8 [VIDEO]
Make a Homemade Air Conditioner For $8 [VIDEO]
It's hot outside! So if you can't be near a pool, lake or the ocean this weekend, I found a great hack to keep you cool. Check out this video of a homemade air conditioner for only 8 bucks. Yeah, it's a little redneck, but that's what's so great about it!

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