The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors meet for the first time in the month of March tonight at 6PM at City Hall.

Here is the complete agenda for tonight's meeting:

1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given by Mayor Ruth Penney Bell
4.Comments from the Mayor
City of Texarkana, Arkansas Employee/Retirement Service Awards. (CCD)
6.Approval of Minutes of the regular rescheduled meeting February 20, 2018. (CCD)

Adopt a Resolution to accept the 2017 Audit Engagement Letter prepared by the accounting firm of BKD, LLP. (FIN)


Adopt a Resolution approving the Board of Directors Code of Conduct. (BOD)

9.Adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. M-116 and approving Personnel Policy Amendments. (FIN) (THIRD READING) Finance Director TyRhonda Henderson
10.Adopt an Ordinance accepting dedication of street right-of-way and public facilities improvements within Meadowridge Fourth Subdivision, Street Name Jay Lane. (PWD) (SECOND READING) Public Works Director Tyler Richards
11.Adopt an Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances Zoning Chapter 28 and Chapter 23, regarding use of sidewalks. (PWD-Planning) City Planner Mary Beck
12.Adopt an Ordinance rezoning the property in the 900 Block of South Rondo Road from R-1 Rural Residential to R-1 Rural Residential Overlay. (PWD-Planning) City Planner Mary Beck
13.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
14.Executive Session
 A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. (CCD) [Advertising and Promotion Commission, Electric Board of Review, Heating and Air Conditioning Board of Review, Historic District Commission and Planning Commission]
 B.Boards and Commissions Expiration of Terms. (CCD)


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