'Jurassic Park' was certainly a dinosaur-sized hit when it came out in 1993.
The Steven Spielberg-directed thriller became the highest grossing film up to that time, going on to haul in close to $1 billion worldwide and setting the stage for a few sequels, with the fourth installment due to come out next June.
This Is the Proper Way to Eat a Hot Dog This July 4th
Part of what's so great about hot dogs is their simplicity. Take them out of their package, put them on a grill and, boom, everybody's favorite summer comfort food.
But using just a skewer and knife, the food wizards at Chow have demonstrated a way to get a lot more out your wiener. See how to make a spiral-cut hot dog below.
'Forrest Gump' is a tale of a dim-witted but good-natured man who finds himself in the middle of many of the influential events of post-World War II America.
The 1994 film was a huge hit, earning close to 700 million at the box office and winning six Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Lay’s Unveils Chicken and Waffle, More Weird Flavors
In the past we've had some fun with the bizarrely-flavored potato chips that pop up overseas -- like the Pepsi and chicken crisps that are all the rage in China.
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
The public has spoken and Monopoly will cast away the boring old iron token, a symbol of domestic housework from a simpler time (it's not even an electric iron), which has been included in the board game for almost 80 years.
In its place will be a cat. Hey, are you really that surprised? The internet loves cats.
Hey College Seniors — Your Bender is Showing and No One Wants to Hire You
Despite the fact that some college tuitions have reached an excess of $50,000 per year, these days colleges can't guarantee that their graduates will have jobs waiting for them. In the wake of this uncertainty, some institutions have begun to guide their students in cleaning up their social media profiles, to lower the risk of a poorly-timed facebook post ruining their shot at employment.
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College Student Wins Stalking Order Against Extreme Helicopter Parents
When Aubrey Ireland left for college she had a good relationship with her parents. They had always supported her interest in music and acting and offered to pay her tuition to the University of Cincinnati's prestigious College-Conservatory of Music, even though she had received scholarships from other schools.
Meet Mary Christmas, the Woman With Year-Round Yuletide Spirit
When he's not hating on Christmas, apparently The Grinch plays traffic cop.
That's what's been happening in the Florida Keys, where Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Bureau Chief Lou Caputo has been dressing up as the Dr. Seuss character as he operates a speed trap.
Donald Albritton's marriage was going through a rough patch, so he turned to his ex-girlfriend for help. The catch is Megan White, the 35-year old's former-flame, didn't exactly get a say in the matter...
Best Buy Sends Lucky Shoppers Five iPads Instead of One
An iPad would normally be considered a pretty substantial gift this holiday season. Thanks to a fortunate error by Best Buy, a couple of shoppers can now use the tablet computer for stocking stuffers.