It's been featured in cartoons and Sci-Fi films from years gone by, if you dig straight down, through the middle of the earth, would you come out in China? Well, did you know there is an app for that?
This is not a pleasant subject to deal with, but we all know that when sex offenders are caught, one of the conditions of their release is they have to register so that authorities will always know when and where they are and where they live and work. Do you know where they are in your Miller or Bowie County neighborhood? Maybe you should.
Foodies, here's something new for you try out on your mobile device, an app which leads you to great food in Arkansas based on the Arkansas Food Hall of Fame. Check out the details below and let us know how it works for you. Keep in mind it is brand new, so depending on the process of how restaurants get into the HoF, it may take a while for great eateries to build up in the app.
As sure as they have arrived they will soon be all gone. The Girl Scout cookie watch continues from the palatial studios of Kicker 102.5 on Arkansas Blvd. Emily Eudy joined us one more time to cough up the secret information on where to find those Heavenly morsels.
The cookie watch continues from our lofty perch on Arkansas Blvd with the help of numerous phone apps and websites and of course, deep undercover operations and of course Emily Eudy, we have once again brought you more locations to find Girl Scout Cookies this weekend!
One of my favorite times of the year, Girl Scout Cookie time! Emily Eudy stopped in to visit with us Thursday morning and discus cookies and where to find them.
Before taking your children to a stranger’s door Halloween night, find out ahead of time whose door you’ll be knocking on with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s new Mobile App, designed to give Texans instant access to the state’s Sex Offender Registry and Texas’ 10 Most Wanted program.
Now, identifying a tree is as easy as taking a picture of a leaf. A new app for iPad and iPhone called LeafSnap will search a massive library of leaf images from the Smithsonian Institute and in seconds will return a likely match with just about anything you'd ever want to know about the tree in question.