
Will Fall Arrive In Texarkana Before The Goblins?
Will Fall Arrive In Texarkana Before The Goblins?
Will Fall Arrive In Texarkana Before The Goblins?
It just doesn't seem like fall when you're wearing shorts under your Halloween costume because it's too hot for jeans. Well, get ready Texarkana, looks like old man winter is wheezing in our general direction early next week and may stick around long enough to make All Hallows Eve feel just right.
When Was The Last Time You Attended An Air Show? Too Long For Me
When Was The Last Time You Attended An Air Show? Too Long For Me
When Was The Last Time You Attended An Air Show? Too Long For Me
Hey, it's Jim, you know the guy who's "Just Plane Nuts." I was trying to remember when was the last time I went to an air show... It has been way too long for me, I think the last time was a year or two before all the COVID-19 mess. I know there are some coming up in the fall, but I'm getting a little antsy.
Pleasant Grove & Paul Pewitt Both Headed To State
Pleasant Grove & Paul Pewitt Both Headed To State
Pleasant Grove & Paul Pewitt Both Headed To State
It's one thing when one of our area teams makes it to the championship game, but this year we have two to route for, congratulations to Pleasant Grove and Paul Pewitt as they head out to play at AT&T Stadium in Arlington this week!

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