Did you know there are over 2,300 named lakes in Arkansas? Each one has something different to offer but one lake in particular is a bit of a hidden gem which makes it underrated for that fact alone, but it's one of the prettiest lakes in the natural state.
Summer in Arkansas may be hot but you can always cool down at any of the beautiful Arkansas lakes. But, did you know there is one lake in the state that has been named one of the 'Most Beautiful Lakes for Swimming in America?
The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission are warming anyone fishing in Bois D-arc Lake in Hempstead County in South Arkansas about a potentially dangerous Algae Bloom.
During the summer we all love to head to the lakes in Arkansas to cool off, but did you know that there is a lake in Arkansas that has been named the best lake to skinny dip in the state? And more importantly is it legal to skinny dip in Arkansas?
Now that the summer season is upon us there's no shortage when it comes to some of the most beautiful lakes in Arkansas. I'm here to tell you about 5 lakes you may never hear of and are considered some of the best swimming lakes in the natural state.
When the temperature climbs to sizzling here in Arkansas, some folks start dreaming of vacationing in a tropical paradise. Well, you don't have to take an expensive trip to find white sands and sunshine. There's a hidden gem right here in our state that definitely needs to be part of your summer plans.
When it comes to lakes in Arkansas there are more than 2, 400 named lakes and reservoirs larger than 5 acres in total that cover over 600,000 acres. That's a lot of lakes considering the size of the state of Arkansas.
Summer is lake time and it's definitely fishing time too. You hear people say they 'caught the big one' or 'almost caught the big one' and the fish in the story gets bigger and bigger every time the story is told. Well, a brother and sister in Arkansas really did catch the big one...each.
Arkansas has beautiful lakes. But what lurks underneath way down at the bottom of one Arkansas lake there is something that will surprise you and at the same time touch your heart.
Lakes in Texas and in other states are getting infested with these creepy-looking things. They attach themselves to boats and hitch a ride to infest other lakes. But what are they and how do you stop them?