Yes, the fireworks were awesome this year, the Texas Connection danced and drummed their collective keesters off, the cannons were loud, the Scout Craft was fantastic, yeah, yeah, yeah... but my favorite thing to do is throw tomahawks!
Wow! What a show. Being the Chairman of an event such as this is enough to turn your hair grey or make it fall out or both! Even though I may have gotten a little greyer and maybe a little thinner up there, it was worth it to see the kids having a great time at Scout-O-Rama 2018.
Scout-O-Rama is back! Spring Lake Park in Texarkana, Texas is the place to be this Saturday, April 28 as the Boy Scouts of America, Caddo Area Council and Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas Council invite the whole family to join us for a day of Scouting fun.
Scout-O-Rama returns to Spring Lake Park in Texarkana, Texas and the Boy Scouts of America, Caddo Area Council, and Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas Council are inviting the whole family to join us for a day of Scouting fun Saturday, April 28.
A couple of weeks ago week I was honored to have finally earned my Wood Badge from Caddo Area Council Woodbadge Course# S2-584-16. If you're not familiar with Woodbadge, hang on, I'm getting there.