city of texarkana

Students Help City of Texarkana Plant 600 Trees This Week
Students Help City of Texarkana Plant 600 Trees This Week
Students Help City of Texarkana Plant 600 Trees This Week
The City of Texarkana, Texas partnered up with the Master Gardeners of Bowie and Miller county and hosted a tree planting project this past Wednesday, March 2. Students from Maud, Liberty-Eylau, Pleasant Grove and Texarkana, Arkansas ISDs all participated in planting 600 trees into pots. They will be used as part of a stream restoration project as well as a future Arbor Day tree give-away. Read Mo
5 Things You Need to Know About Trunk or Treat - Spring Lake Park
5 Things You Need to Know About Trunk or Treat - Spring Lake Park
5 Things You Need to Know About Trunk or Treat - Spring Lake Park
This weekend is big. It's Halloween on Sunday but the City of Texarkana, Texas, the Texarkana Parks and Recreation Department along with the Texarkana Texas Police will be busy working the 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat event at Spring Lake Park. Here are 6 things you need to know about the event.
The City of Texarkana, Texas Is Hiring
The City of Texarkana, Texas Is Hiring
The City of Texarkana, Texas Is Hiring
Jobs is Jobs, and we want to you know about it anytime they come available. The City of Texarkana, Texas is currently hiring for several positions. We noticed them this morning on the city Facebook Page, but just in case you did not see them, please check out these opportunities here.
Texarkana's 2021 Arbor Day Tree Giveaway is Saturday, March 6
Texarkana's 2021 Arbor Day Tree Giveaway is Saturday, March 6
Texarkana's 2021 Arbor Day Tree Giveaway is Saturday, March 6
There are many things that one person can do to improve life wellbeing for others, but one of my favorite thing to do is plant a tree. Each year Texarkana, Texas TAMUT Forestry Service team up to giveaway trees for you to plant, with a few COVID changes for safety, details are below:
Disaster Proclamation Issued for Bowie County and the City of Tex
Disaster Proclamation Issued for Bowie County and the City of Tex
Disaster Proclamation Issued for Bowie County and the City of Tex
In accordance with Governor Greg Abbot’s disaster proclamation, Bowie County Judge Bobby Howell and Texarkana, Texas Mayor Bob Bruggeman issued a disaster proclamation today, August 26, 2020, declaring a local state of disaster for Bowie County and the City of Texarkana, Texas certifying that Hurricane Laura poses a threat of imminent disaster including widespread and severe property damage, injur
Memorial Tree
Memorial Tree
Memorial Tree
The Arkansas World War I Centennial Commemoration Committee and the Arkansas Forestry Commission have approved an application from the City of Texarkana to sponsor a World War I Memorial Tree, which will be located at 350 East Front Street.

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