As sure as they have arrived they will soon be all gone. The Girl Scout cookie watch continues from the palatial studios of Kicker 102.5 on Arkansas Blvd. Emily Eudy joined us one more time to cough up the secret information on where to find those Heavenly morsels.
The cookie watch continues from our lofty perch on Arkansas Blvd with the help of numerous phone apps and websites and of course, deep undercover operations and of course Emily Eudy, we have once again brought you more locations to find Girl Scout Cookies this weekend!
One of my favorite times of the year, Girl Scout Cookie time! Emily Eudy stopped in to visit with us Thursday morning and discus cookies and where to find them.
It's that time of year again, Girl Scout Cookie Time! Now just on the chance that you haven't turned in your order with the Girl Scout next door, you might be interested in knowing precisely where you can find your fix of GS Cookies.
The Girl Scout Cookies Season is officially over, but due to all that bad icy weather we had in February and March the Girl Scouts weren't able to sell all their cookies. The Girl Scouts, Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas have announced a special donation/match program.