girl scouts

Looking for Girl Scout Cookies
Looking for Girl Scout Cookies
Looking for Girl Scout Cookies
We all love Girl Scout Cookies! If you are having a tough time finding where the Girl Scouts are, no worries because we have the locations they will be at this Saturday, March 10 and Sunday, March 11. The Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas will be selling cookies over the next few weeks!
Emily Eudy Joined Us For Facebook ‘Not-So-Live’ This Morning!
Emily Eudy Joined Us For Facebook ‘Not-So-Live’ This Morning!
Emily Eudy Joined Us For Facebook ‘Not-So-Live’ This Morning!
You've read about the best-laid plans of mice and men, that includes radio guys too apparently. We planned a nice little "Facebook Live" interview with Emily Eudy from the Girl Scout Diamonds this morning at 10:00 am, right when our show was over. If you were planning on watching it live, we're sorry, we tried.
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time
It's something we all look forward to.The 2018 Girl Scout cookie season has officially started. The Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas will be out and about over the next few weeks selling all our favorite flavors.
Award Winners
Award Winners
Award Winners
Lisa and I were invited out to the Southwest Center on West 7th Street this past Monday night to receive an award from Girl Scout Troop 2388, we said, "okay."
Scout-O-Rama 2017
Scout-O-Rama 2017
Scout-O-Rama 2017
Over 1000 Scouts, Troops, Crews, Packs, leaders, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, kids in scouts, kids not in scouts, all gathered this weekend to have some fun together at Scout-O-Rama, the largest public-invited Scout Show in the Four States area. Really, this was a big deal.
Girl Scout Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas are gearing up for their annual Pink U health and wellness event on October 22 at Texarkana College. This year’s event will focus on health, confidence, fitness and fashion while providing a variety of fun activities.

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