
Texarkana Affordable Housing "HOME Program" Taking New Apps
Texarkana Affordable Housing "HOME Program" Taking New Apps
Texarkana Affordable Housing "HOME Program" Taking New Apps
The City of Texarkana, Texas, has been awarded a HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to help build new homes for low-income residents. This program aims to replace substandard housing with safe, affordable homes.
Food Bank to Receive $27,000 Grant to Expand Equipment
Food Bank to Receive $27,000 Grant to Expand Equipment
Food Bank to Receive $27,000 Grant to Expand Equipment
Harvest Regional Food Bank, Texarkana, received a grant from the American Electric Power Foundation, for $27,000 to support the purchase of much needed equipment for its facility. A check presentation will take place on Friday, August 2, 2019, 10AM, at Harvest Regional Food Bank, 3120 East 19th Street.
Main Street Texarkana Awarded Grant for 2020
Main Street Texarkana Awarded Grant for 2020
Main Street Texarkana Awarded Grant for 2020
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP), a division of the Department of Arkansas Heritage (DAH), announced their 2020 Downtown Revitalization Grant recipients at an awards presentation on Tuesday, June 25, at the DAH headquarters in Little Rock. The grants are administered by Main Street Arkansas.
Ashdown Junior High EAST Students Receives Grant
Ashdown Junior High EAST Students Receives Grant
Ashdown Junior High EAST Students Receives Grant
It is always good to recognize when kids in our surrounding community do something special. The Ashdown Junior High School EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technology) class received a grant for $1000 in order to create an exhibit at the Two Rivers Museum located in downtown Ashdown. Arkansas
Tyson Foods Awards $50,000 Grant to Harvest Regional Food Bank
Tyson Foods Awards $50,000 Grant to Harvest Regional Food Bank
Tyson Foods Awards $50,000 Grant to Harvest Regional Food Bank
Harvest Regional Food Bank, Texarkana, received a grant from Tyson Foods, Inc, for $50,000 to support Harvest’s Mobile Pantry program in Howard, Pike and Hempstead counties in Southwest Arkansas. A check presentation will take place on Thursday, February 25, 2019, 10AM, at Tyson Foods Inc, 100 East Cassady, Nashville, AR.

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