America celebrates the 4th of July on Thursday this year and whether you are spending it at home or away there are several fireworks shows you don't want to miss.
Happy Independence Day 2021! If you're new to the area or just curious about where all the flags come from that are lining the streets of our fair cities, I have your answers right here, and how you can get yours while helping others.
With the Fourth of July just a day away, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2019's Best & Worst Places for 4th of July Celebrations as well as interesting stats about the holiday in its 4th of July Facts & Figures infographic.
If by chance you may vacationing in Nashville, Tennessee this coming week, you might want to attend Nashville’s Let Freedom Sing! Music City July 4th presented by Dr Pepper.
You don't have to travel too far to enjoy a 4th of July celebration. The Camden and Ouachita County Ministerial Alliances invite you to the 18th Annual Star Spangled Spectacular, July 4th at the Camden, Arkansas Municipal Airport.
With the Fourth of July just days away, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2018's Best & Worst Places for 4th of July Celebrations to go along with interesting stats about the holiday in its 4th of July Facts & Figures.
Traveling this Fourth of July weekend? Well, you don't have to travel far to see some spectacular fireworks around the region. Some of my favorite firework shows happen over water and there are several lakes near here where you can enjoy just that.
Today is Independence Day. Americans will be celebrating this mid-summer holiday at the lakes, in the pool, in the backyard with friends cooking out or just relaxing on vacation watching a fireworks show. But do you really know what you are celebrating?