
First Time Jobs
First Time Jobs
First Time Jobs
Jobs we sometimes love them and sometimes we hate them but without them where would we be?  The other day I was talking to a friend and we got on the subject of our first job we ever had.
co-workers over pay
co-workers over pay
co-workers over pay
Who doesn't want to make more money? But, what if you only made more money on the condition you had to work with people you didn't like? Which do you think is more important?
Hey College Seniors — Your Bender is Showing and No One Wants to Hire You
Hey College Seniors — Your Bender is Showing and No One Wants to Hire You
Hey College Seniors — Your Bender is Showing and No One Wants to Hire You
Despite the fact that some college tuitions have reached an excess of $50,000 per year, these days colleges can't guarantee that their graduates will have jobs waiting for them. In the wake of this uncertainty, some institutions have begun to guide their students in cleaning up their social media profiles, to lower the risk of a poorly-timed facebook post ruining their shot at employment.  Read Mo
What is Your Walk-Away Number?
What is Your Walk-Away Number?
What is Your Walk-Away Number?
Over the weekend, I overheard a conversation with a question..."What is your walk-away number?"  That is the amount of money it would take for you to just walk away from your job without anything else lined up.
Can Your Favorite Color Lead To Your Perfect Job?
Can Your Favorite Color Lead To Your Perfect Job?
Can Your Favorite Color Lead To Your Perfect Job?
If you're wondering what the PERFECT JOB is for you... and you don't want to meet with career counselors or make a bunch of lists about your hopes and dreams... why not put it in the hands of your favorite COLOR? Dewey Sadka is the author of "The Dewey Color System", and he created a quiz that uses your favorite colors to figure out your perfect career.