After several weeks of limited movement, a handful of new releases prompted a pretty thorough shakeup of the Box Office Top 10. While Beauty and the Beast continued its unstoppable assault on the domestic box office, we also said hello this weekend to three new movies and goodbye to a handful of old favorites from the first few months of the year. Let’s start with the estimated numbers as of Sunday afternoon.
Being a radio dude for as many years as I have been a radio dude, you can imagine just how many concerts I have seen. It's a lot. They're all at least slightly different. Some suck out loud. Some not so much. Others are great and still others are OK, I guess. But on a rare occasion you do get the chance to attend a lifelong dream of a concert and for me the Eagles, was "that" concert.
When you stay in a hotel such as the Hampton Inn, Comfort Suites or Holiday Express while traveling, do you wonder if you will have a bar of soap to use in the shower?