Texarkana Texas Police got a call Saturday morning about a suspicious man carrying a whip and a machete at the McDonald's on New Boston Rd, Officers were dispatched.
I know, Wednesday was technically National Pancake Day... officially speaking. But if you're like me, you were holding off on your pancaky-indulgence for this Saturday, March 2, at the 2024 Kiwanis Pancake Day at Texarkana College.
Coming up on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, we can all celebrate National Pancake Day if you like, or you can be like me and wait just a few more days and join me at the 2024 Kiwanis Pancake Day at Texarkana College. If you're really into pancakes, you can do both.
I know what you're thinking, "how can I get me a pair of those?" You can't, but Big Tex is going to enjoy this new pair of Lucchese boots this year at the State Fair of Texas.
The City of Texarkana, Texas partnered up with the Master Gardeners of Bowie and Miller county and hosted a tree planting project this past Wednesday, March 2. Students from Maud, Liberty-Eylau, Pleasant Grove and Texarkana, Arkansas ISDs all participated in planting 600 trees into pots. They will be used as part of a stream restoration project as well as a future Arbor Day tree give-away.
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Guess who's coming through Texarkana this Wednesday? I guess the headline kind of gave it away, the 2022 Freedom Convoy hits Texarkana this week and they need supplies and volunteers all along the route, here's how you can help, cheer them on, or join in:
Harvest Regional Food Bank hits the road again next Wednesday to distribute 500 emergency food boxes to Texas residents only on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, starting at 8:30 AM. The location will be T&P Trail Head Park Pavilion, #1 Trail Head Park Plaza, New Boston, TX.
The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana recognizes academic achievement by awarding three different institutional scholarships for current graduating high school seniors. the time to start the application process is now.
You are invited to enjoy and delicious breakfast for a great cause, one of my favorite charity days of the year is coming up this Saturday, March 7. It's the Annual Pancake Day hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana.
You are invited to enjoy and delicious breakfast for a great cause, one of my favorite charity days of the year is coming up Saturday, March 7. It's the Annual Pancake Day hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana.
You are invited to enjoy and delicious breakfast for a great cause, one of my favorite charity days of the year is coming up this Saturday, March 2! It's the Annual Pancake Day hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana.