October 19

Get Ready - Texarkana's Largest Indoor Garage Sale Is Back 10/19
Get Ready - Texarkana's Largest Indoor Garage Sale Is Back 10/19
Get Ready - Texarkana's Largest Indoor Garage Sale Is Back 10/19
Texarkana's Largest Indoor Garage Sale will be back sooner, rather than later. I know it seems like it's still a ways off but September is a short month so, this year's TLIGS will be here before you know it. So, is it time to start planning your booth? It's past time, let's go.
Did Any East Texas BBQ Joints Make The Texas Monthly Top 50 List?
Did Any East Texas BBQ Joints Make The Texas Monthly Top 50 List?
Did Any East Texas BBQ Joints Make The Texas Monthly Top 50 List?
Texas Monthly Magazine is out with their 50 Best BBQ Joints in Texas edition today and I have been through the whole list this morning searching for who they think are the best BBQ joints in the state, and, have I been to any of them yet? First, it's a big list and sadly no, I haven't been to any of these... yet.
Two-Year Plan Approved at Monday's Texarkana College Board Meetin
Two-Year Plan Approved at Monday's Texarkana College Board Meetin
Two-Year Plan Approved at Monday's Texarkana College Board Meetin
At Monday’s board meeting the Texarkana College Trustees approved the institution’s two-year strategic plan including its mission, core values and beliefs, top priorities, and goals. The approval of the plan solidifies measurable goals for the College that will strengthen the base of skilled and prepared employees available for the regional workforce.
Texarkana Area COVID-19: By The Numbers - October 19
Texarkana Area COVID-19: By The Numbers - October 19
Texarkana Area COVID-19: By The Numbers - October 19
Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports 86 new cases since Thursday, October 15, 2020 for a total of 1,653 positive COVID-19 cases, with 75 deaths. The Department of State Health Services is reporting 1,148 recoveries. Cass County currently has 461 cases, with 403 of those recovered, and 21 fatalities. Miller County has 1193 total cases, 187 active positive cases, 991 recovered and 15 dea