Watch Out For Online Puppy ScamsWatch Out For Online Puppy ScamsThe Better Business Bureau is reminding people about possible puppy scams that seem to be increasing in our area.WesWes
Budweiser Makes Another Great ‘Puppy Ad’ for the Super Bowl [VIDEO]Budweiser Makes Another Great ‘Puppy Ad’ for the Super Bowl [VIDEO]For this year's Super Bowl Budweiser has another great puppy video and it is super sweet!Jeff EasterlingJeff Easterling
Could You Survive a Hot Car?Could You Survive a Hot Car?There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.Nate BirdNate Bird
Cute Dog VideoCute Dog VideoLook at that face! This video gave me a much needed smile on this Monday!KendraKendra