red river army depot

Fighting Lupus Couldn’t Be More Fun This Saturday In New Boston
Fighting Lupus Couldn’t Be More Fun This Saturday In New Boston
Fighting Lupus Couldn’t Be More Fun This Saturday In New Boston
Sandy Tutt is a dedicated hard working crusader in the fight against Lupus and she has a huge event going on at the Oak Grove Golf Club this Saturday, March 24. The "Put On Purple Wine & Beer Festival", "Drive Out Lupus" Golf Tournament, and a "Car & Truck Show", all at one location and all going on pretty much at the same time.
Golf Tournament/Wine Tasting/Car Show – All To Fight Lupus – Sandy Tutt Joins Us On FB Live
Golf Tournament/Wine Tasting/Car Show – All To Fight Lupus – Sandy Tutt Joins Us On FB Live
Golf Tournament/Wine Tasting/Car Show – All To Fight Lupus – Sandy Tutt Joins Us On FB Live
This morning Sandy Tutt joined Lisa and I for the "Jim & Lisa After The Show... Show" on Facebook Live. Sandy has a huge event going on at the Oak Grove Golf Club on Saturday, March 24. The "Put On Purple Wine & Beer Festival", "Drive Out Lupus" golf tournament, and The "Car & Truck Show", all at one location and all going on pretty much at the s
Sparks in The Park 2014
Sparks in The Park 2014
Sparks in The Park 2014
Kicker 102.5 is excited about teaming back up with the City of Texarkana, Arkansas for it's annual Sparks in The Park 4th of July celebration presented by Southwest Arkansas REA and Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time Sparks in The Park will be celebrated on the 4th and that makes it even more special.