The Texarkana, Texas Parks and Recreations Department presents the Disney classic Halloween movie "Hocus Pocus" for free on Thursday at Spring Lake Park.
The Texarkana, Texas Parks and Recreations Department presents the Channing Tatum, Sandra Bullock movie "The Lost City" for free on Thursday at Spring Lake Park.
Do you have the fall vibes? Well, The City of Texarkana, Texas, Parks, and Recreation Department is gearing up for an exciting line-up of fall fun in October at Spring lake Park.
The City of Texarkana, Texas Parks, and Recreation Department will host the Community-Wide Yard Sale Saturday, October 22, at Spring Lake Park in Texarkana.
The Texarkana Parks and Recreation Department announced that the Rotary Splash Pad in Spring Lake Park will extend its current season through the holiday weekend.
The Texarkana, Texas Parks and Recreations Department wraps up its "Free Movies In The Park' for the Summer with the Disney Movie "Encanto" on Thursday.
One man's trash is another man's treasure," right? Isn't that how the old saying goes? Once again we get a chance to prove the theory this weekend with the Big Big Community-Wide Yard Sale and Electronics Recycling Event happening at Spring Lake Park.