Texarkana Homeless Coalition

Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
The Texarkana Homeless Coalition (TXKHC), in partnership with Texas A&M University-Texarkana, Texarkana College, Bridging the Gaps Arkansas, Community Healthcore, Communities Unlimited, Texarkana Emergency Center, and LifeNet, will host a Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop and Narcan Training on Tuesday, September 24, at the Truman Arnold Center at Texarkana College.
The 'Bridge City Chili Cookoff' Is Coming Up Jan 27 Texarkana
The 'Bridge City Chili Cookoff' Is Coming Up Jan 27 Texarkana
The 'Bridge City Chili Cookoff' Is Coming Up Jan 27 Texarkana
The Texarkana Homeless Coalition is going to be conducting the annual Point-In-Time homeless population count later this month, on Thursday, January 26th. Then, on January 27, TXKHC’s Bridge City Project Chili Cook-off will take place starting at 5 PM at 316 Hazel Street in Texarkana, AR, in front of the Salvation Army shelter.