Texarkana Texas School District Announces Back to School DatesTexarkana Texas School District Announces Back to School DatesThe Texarkana Texas Independent School District would like to inform parents and students about important back to school dates this month.John WilliamsJohn Williams
Texarkana Teacher Honored by State of TexasTexarkana Teacher Honored by State of TexasA Texarkana Texas ISD teacher has been honored by the state.John WilliamsJohn Williams
T.I.S.D. Employee Named as Outstanding Assistant Principal of YearT.I.S.D. Employee Named as Outstanding Assistant Principal of YearRichard Stahl, Texas High School Associate Principal for Student Management & Campus Operations, has been selected to represent Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.John WilliamsJohn Williams
TEACHERS GIVEN GRANTSTEACHERS GIVEN GRANTSTexarkana Public Schools Foundation has awarded 56 Innovative Educator Grants to TISD teachers for a total of $23,930.John WilliamsJohn Williams