Wadley Regional Medical Center

CHRISTUS ST. Michael Affiliate Enters Bid for Wadley Hospital
CHRISTUS ST. Michael Affiliate Enters Bid for Wadley Hospital
CHRISTUS ST. Michael Affiliate Enters Bid for Wadley Hospital
CHRISTUS Health, an international, not-for-profit Catholic health system, announced today that its affiliate CHRISTUS Health Ark-La-Tex has entered into a binding asset purchase agreement to acquire Wadley Regional Medical Center in Texarkana, Texas, from Dallas-based Steward Health Care.
Infant CPR Class Offered at Wadley in August
Infant CPR Class Offered at Wadley in August
Infant CPR Class Offered at Wadley in August
It's something that none of us want to think about but all of us should know. I'm talking about how to react if your precious baby or child started choking or needed CPR. You can learn the basic techniques in a special class that is being held by Wadley Regional Medical Center.
Black Tie Affair
Black Tie Affair
Black Tie Affair
The American Heart Association's  2015 Texarkana Heart Ball is scheduled for January 24 at 7 p.m. at the Texarkana, Ark., Convention Center. The theme this year is "A Night in Tuscany" and will be hosted by Anne and Steve Douglas and brought to you by Wadley Regional Medical Center.

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