If there ever was a place you can step back in time and get that old-time Christmas feel, that has to be the charming little historic town of Washington State Park, Arkansas during the 36th Annual Christmas and Candlelight Tour.
Historic Washington State Park, Arkansas recently received on loan a Gatling Gun on display in the B.W. Edwards Weapons Museum. Curator Josh Williams and Weapons Curator Ernie Cox will be available to visit with visitors on Saturday, July 31.
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by a man named John Hancock, a patriot of the American Revolution along with members of congress.
The holiday season will inevitably look different this year, but the cherished tradition of Christmas and Candlelight returns to Historic Washington State Park in December.
Jonquils are in bloom at Historic Washington State Park and a tremendous line-up of Entertainment and fun await those who will be visiting the park on March 20, through 22, for the 52nd Annual Jonquil Festival.
The Hope Evening Lions Club will be sponsoring the 4th Annual Jonquil Festival 5K Run/Walk. The race will begin at 7:30AM at the intersection of Hwy 195 and Hwy 278 at Historic Washington State Park. The event will be part of the festivities of the 52nd Annual Jonquil Festival March 20-22.
Join the staff of Historic Washington State Park for its 30th Annual Christmas and Candlelight which will be held December 3-10, 2016. The park will be open from 8AM to 8PM both days, but to enjoy the thousands of luminaries and special music you may want to wait until later in the afternoon to pay a visit.