‘Most Boring States’ List Leaves Ark-La-Tex Divided‘Most Boring States’ List Leaves Ark-La-Tex DividedHow could anyone say our area is even slightly boring?JessJess
New Survey Suggests Southerners Aren’t So BrightNew Survey Suggests Southerners Aren’t So BrightIs this website calling us dumb?JessJess
How Well Does the Ark-La-Tex Really Know Turkey?How Well Does the Ark-La-Tex Really Know Turkey?According to a recent study, the Ark-La-Tex is pretty well-versed in turkey.JessJess
The Most Searched-For Jobs on Google for Texas and Arkansas Couldn’t Be More OppositeThe Most Searched-For Jobs on Google for Texas and Arkansas Couldn’t Be More OppositeGoogle has answered the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"JessJess