Chris Lane and Wife Lauren Are Expecting Baby No. 2: ‘We’re Both Just Incredibly Excited’
Chris Lane and his wife Lauren are expecting their second child, according to People. The couple are already parents to baby Dutton Walker, who turns one year old this month.
They're expecting the new addition to arrive in late October, meaning they'll have "two under two" — and while they're bracing for a busy life chapter ahead, both Lane and Lauren agree that they're over the moon about being parents once again.
"To be honest, I've never been more shocked in my life, because this was very much an unexpected surprise," says Lauren. "We had planned on having at least two kids, so we're very thankful that it was able to happen for us, even if it wasn't necessarily on our exact timing. We're both just incredibly excited."
Lauren goes on to detail the experience of finding out she was pregnant, when she took a test but didn't expect a positive because she wasn't having any symptoms. "[Lane] was actually trying to put Dutton down for a nap. I was just so in shock that I came running into Dutton's room and flipped the light on real quick. Chris was like, 'What are you doing? I'm trying to get our child to go to sleep! Can you turn the light off?' And I was like, 'I'm pregnant' -— just in shock," she recalls.
"It was very shocking!" Lane agrees. But as they acclimated to the news, they started to get excited about the idea of having two kids close in age — after all, Lane grew up with a twin brother, and Lauren and her sister are "a little less than two years apart," she says.
The proud parents don't yet know whether their next child will be a boy or a girl, but Lane says his guess is that Dutton will have a baby brother. "My family as a whole, all the guys in our family, we make a lot of boys. No one in the family— minus one person — has even had a girl," he explains. "So if I had to guess, I'm going to carry on that tradition and it's probably going to be a boy."
"I feel like because of that, the Lane family could use some female energy in there!" Lauren interjects, with Lane adding that his parents are "dying" for a granddaughter.
When Lauren was pregnant with Dutton, Lane said that one of the names he'd suggested was Rambo, and that his wife dismissed that suggestion pretty quickly. If the couple has another boy, it seems unlikely that that name will be in the running this time, either.
"Oh no. I thought maybe he had forgotten about it!" Lauren said, when the possibility of naming a son Rambo came up with People.
"If it's a boy, we ended up using two of the names we loved. We loved Dutton and we loved Walker and I was like, 'Well, we're not guaranteed to have another boy. Why don't we just use Dutton Walker and give him the name that we want him to have?'" Lane explains.
"Needless to say, our list has dwindled significantly," Lauren adds. "So we are brainstorming and re-adding to the list."
The country star couple tied the knot in 2019. Lane proposed using a song he'd written for the occasion, called "Big, Big Plans," which subsequently became the name of his tour.