October 3

Troopers Seize Another 136 Pounds of Marijuana - Traffic Stop
Troopers Seize Another 136 Pounds of Marijuana - Traffic Stop
Troopers Seize Another 136 Pounds of Marijuana - Traffic Stop
Arkansas State Police (ASP) are good at many things, but one thing they seem to be really good at lately is busting drug traffickers on Interstate 40 coming through the Great State of Arkansas. Last Thursday, October 3, another 136 pounds of illegal marijuana was seized during a traffic stop near Little Rock.
69 Arrested In Bowie County - Sheriff's Report for Oct 3
69 Arrested In Bowie County - Sheriff's Report for Oct 3
69 Arrested In Bowie County - Sheriff's Report for Oct 3
There was a pretty big increase from last week to this week in your Bowie County Sheriff's Report, with 17 more arrests than the previous week. Bowie County Deputies placed under arrest a total of 69 people. Bowie County Deputies arrested 24 of those, and other area law enforcement agencies arrested 45.