Parker Texas

Who Is the Most (In)Famous Family in Texas?
Who Is the Most (In)Famous Family in Texas?
Who Is the Most (In)Famous Family in Texas?
As we’ve visited various communities on our small town tour, we’ve introduced you to some of the founding fathers who first settled the region. Cities and towns have been named after many of them, and yet these people have been largely unknown to many despite the fact that their family members’ histories are interwoven through the fabric of our nation like thread on a loom. But our next family nee
Volunteer Firefighters Brave the Fire in Parker, Texas
Volunteer Firefighters Brave the Fire in Parker, Texas
Volunteer Firefighters Brave the Fire in Parker, Texas
The ranch is eerily quiet and horridly hot, even if it is after midnight on an August night. Suddenly the silence is shattered by the sounds of nervous livestock, fighting to get free from the restraints of the barn walls. Looking out the window, your heart stops as flames leap in the distance, gaining momentum as they spread across the dry grasslands you live on. With so much at stake, who are yo