
How Swimsuits Have Changed Over The Years [VIDEO]
How Swimsuits Have Changed Over The Years [VIDEO]
How Swimsuits Have Changed Over The Years [VIDEO]
I'm so excited for summer and the warm weather, but I HATE having to put on a bathing suit. My complex has a pool so I know I will scare my neighbors at some point this summer when I use the pool but I thought I would share this. Bathing suits have changed a lot over the years...
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
It’s So Hot……
It’s So Hot……
It’s So Hot……
Reading online articles this morning I found one where a pool had been stolen in the Dallas area. Naturally, my mind started thinking about "It's So Hot..." jokes..