Funny Videos

The Force Is Strong In This One! [Video]
The Force Is Strong In This One! [Video]
The Force Is Strong In This One! [Video]
I wonder what happened to the "Farfernugen" campaign? I haven't really seen a Volkswagen commercial in a long time, at least one that stood out to me. This one is different, maybe because I am a little bit of a Star Wars nerd... or it could be that back in 1977... I may have tried to use a few Jedi mind tricks myself!
I Fell In The Fountain! [VIDEO]
I Fell In The Fountain! [VIDEO]
I Fell In The Fountain! [VIDEO]
A lot of people thought the video of the lady texting, and falling into the fountain at the Berkshire mall was very funny! Now, a guy by the name of Mike Coates did some fancy video editing with some of her TV interviews, used auto tune, and created a whole new video and song for her... and it is HILARIOUS!!!

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