mlk day

Texarkana Rotary Invites You to Show Your Patriotism and Help Cha
Texarkana Rotary Invites You to Show Your Patriotism and Help Cha
Texarkana Rotary Invites You to Show Your Patriotism and Help Cha
As a patriotic American, I enjoy flying the flag high and proud at my house, but I have an issue, I leave for work so early in the morning half the time I forget to put it out on those special days. Drives me nuts. Well, I found a solution for myself and for those like me, Texarkana Rotary Clubs will do it for you so you don't forget.
Making A Holiday
Making A Holiday
Making A Holiday
Not only is it Inauguration Day for our U.S. President, but today (Jan. 21)  marks the 27th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. President Ronald Reagan signed a bill into law in 1983 creating the federal holiday, but it wasn’t first celebrated until 1986.