2015 Big Bass Fishing Tournament July 11 Moved to Lake Wright Patman
The 2015 Big Bass Fishing Tournament July 11, presented by Cooper Tire has been moved to Lake Wright Patman - Sportman's Cove due to the raging Red River. This tournament will benefit the United Way of Greater Texarkana.This year, $6,800 in guaranteed prize money will be awarded. First place takes home $2000, second place $1,200, third place $800, fourth place $600 and fifth place $400. Three hundred dollars will be awarded for the fish closest to three pounds without going over (first fish wins) sponsored by Sullivan Timber.
There will also be hourly paybacks for first through third place in the tournament. Entry fee is $70 per person by July 9, 5 p.m ($10 Late fee day of Tourney). Make checks payable to United Way of Greater Texarkana. Registration forms may be picked up and turned in to Baits-n-Blades, 3302 Richmond Road.
You may also contact Lane Peeples at 903-276-6783 or email to baitnblades@aol.com.
Special thanks to Fouke High School for providing donated drinks and food for this tournament.
Where does the money raised go?