33rd Annual Main Street Texarkana Christmas Parade Dec. 4
It's almost that time of the year again for the 33rd Annual Main Street Texarkana Christmas Parade on Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 at 7PM.
Expect more than 100 lighted entries making its way down the heart of two cities in downtown Texarkana. From marching bands, colorful floats, live camels, and the main event, Santa Claus. Vendors will be on hand selling all sorts of items and merchandise, fresh cut trees will be available in the Farmers Market.
This year's theme is Gingerbread Village. If your business or organization would like to participate this year you can download a form here. Friday, November 24, is the deadline to enter and all entries must be lighted to participate.
Also, Toys for Tots will be collecting toys and Harvest Texarkana will be collecting canned food items.
For more information, please call 903-792-7191 or, Email: mainstreet@texarkana.org. You can also visit their website or Facebook page.
Look for the Kicker 102.5 crew in the parade!
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