3rd Annual Spread the Word Run 5k/10k April 28
Get ready for the 3rd Annual Spread the Word Run 5k/10k on Saturday, April 28, at Texas A&M - Texarkana, presented by Christian Warriors.
This event is about spreading the word of Christ to our community. Entry fee is a new or used bible or $25 with each bible collected to be handed out in our local community. Sign up for the race begins at 7AM and the race begins at 8:30AM. There will also be a kids fun run and obstacle course at 9:30AM.
There will be several age divisions with 1st, 2nd, 3rd runners receiving medals. and overall runners male and female receive trophies. Door prizes will also be handed out at this event. You can also register online here or call Micah 903-691-9635 or Mike at 903-701-8732.
You can also visit their Facebook page.
Christian Warriors Texarkana is a Christian organization that helps people in need in the local community.
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