59th Annual Kiwanis Club Pancake Day March 4
It's that time of year again. Time for the 59th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day this Saturday, March 4, 2017 inside the Truman Arnold Center at Texarkana College.
This annual fundraiser has been benefiting Kiwanis community projects for years in Texarkana. For just $5 you get all you can eat pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, coffee, juice, and milk.
In addition there will be bake sale items for sale, cake walk, raffle, pancake eating contest and a kids area. Don't miss the 5K race for adults and a Kids K race as well. The 59th Annual Pancake Day gets underway from 7AM until 2PM. The races start at 8AM.
Listen for your chance to win tickets on Kicker 102.5.
Kiwanis Mission
To serve Kiwanis International and the community of Texarkana. They do this by performing countless hours of community service, fundraising, education, and leadership development.
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