Annual Fish Fry at Christ United Methodist Church Oct. 17
It's that time of the year again for the annual Fish Fry at Christ United Methodist Church located at 5204 South Rondo Road (Hwy 71 South and Hwy 237) on Oct. 17, 2020.
Their annual Fish Fry at Christ United Methodist Church benefits the Curtis Cornett Scholarship Fund and will be from 4:30PM until 6:30PM sponsored by the United Methodist Men.
Adults are $10, Children 5-12 years old $5 and kids under 4 eat free. Plate dinners include fish with all the trimmings, plus drink Take out orders are also available. For more information please call 870-774-4091 or visit their Facebook page.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19 issues limited seating will be available and carry-food is encouraged. There will be a drive-thru for pickup.
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