Author Brannon Perkinson Book Signing at Texarkana Public Library Sept. 6th
The Texarkana Public Library proudly welcomes author Brannon Perkison Back to East Texas for a book signing of his debut novel "The Do Nothing" on Saturday, September 6 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the David Nelson Meeting Room.Brannon Perkison was born in Hawaii in 1969, the Navy-brat son of an intelligence officer. He was brought up in the piney woods of East Texas and has also lived in Germany and Ohio before moving to Dallas. For twenty years he worked in software and telecommunications, teaching tennis on the side and also helping his wife build her architecture business.
About the Book
The Do Nothing: after a family dispute turns violent, seventeen-year-old John Sharpe flees, convinced he just murdered his own father. Wounded in his ill-fated police getaway, John disappears into the East Texas backwoods, hoping to evade the law and his own guilt.
The Do Nothing is available for purchase at Amazon.com and during the author’s appearance this Saturday.
(342 pages Rabbitboy Books 2014)
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