Health & Fitness

Texarkana Pickleball Fundraiser In August - It's A Big Dill
Texarkana Pickleball Fundraiser In August - It's A Big Dill
Texarkana Pickleball Fundraiser In August - It's A Big Dill
If pickleball doesn't lend itself to dad jokes, I don't what will! You know the dill, I relish any opportunity to drop a good dad joke. Texarkana Texas Parks and Recreation Department has a great opportunity for you to play in an upcoming fundraiser pickleball tournament, so get your team together, and let's go knock them over the fence.
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
I cannot believe it's been 5 years this week since my son Tyler and I along with our friends and the Scouts of Texarkana's Crew 3 went on our "Epic Western Expedition," a 9-day trek across the Southwest United States that checked off a bunch of items on my personal bucket list and allowed me to take what could be the best picture of my life, so far.
Time To Toss The Cheese - TX and AR Aldi's Recall Cream Cheeses
Time To Toss The Cheese - TX and AR Aldi's Recall Cream Cheeses
Time To Toss The Cheese - TX and AR Aldi's Recall Cream Cheeses
There's not much tastier than a big gob of cream cheese on a bagel, biscuit, or a piece of toast, however, this gob can bite you back and it needs to go. Just barely open with the new location in Texarkana, Texas and a cream cheese recall is already underway from Aldi stores all over Texas, Arkansas, and 28 other states.
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
So many folks are seriously concerned about climate change these days that it's enough to make you sweat bullets before the real heat even gets here. Maybe you didn't notice how hot it was yesterday? Did you know we broke a record for the heat on Tuesday, May 7? We did.

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