Columbia County Angel Tree Hopes to Serve More Than 200 Children
The Angel Tree at Southern Arkansas University’s Department of University Housing is open for sponsors to select angels with the goal this year of making the holiday brighter for more than 200 children and 90 families in Columbia County.
The Angel Tree is located in SAU Reynolds Center, room 102, and gifts are due by 5PM Dec. 14, 2018. Angel adoptions will also be available at the Celebration of Lights on November 29 through 8PM. Please call University Housing at 870-235-4047 with any questions.
There are several ways donors can help:
- Become a sponsor. There is no specific amount required to be spent on each child, but $50 is suggested. If sponsoring a family, it is suggested that $50 be spent per child. Gifts are not required to be gift-wrapped, but donations of wrapping paper are welcome.
- Donate any amount of money and volunteer shoppers will purchase gifts. Even small monetary gifts will support caring for our many angels.
- Volunteer. Contact University Housing if you would like to help with this exciting and worthy project.
The Angel Tree serves children in need from infancy through high school seniors by providing sponsors with information about each child’s age, gender, sizes and gift requests. It also serves as an engine to the local economy. Even conservative estimates suggest that sponsors donate more than $40,000 in clothing, toys and electronics every year.
Since 2008, the Angel Tree has been at SAU. From 2008-2013, it was co-coordinated by two student organizations – Lambda Alpha Beta (the Chemistry Club) and Sigma Tau Delta (the English Honor Society). For the past four years, it has been headed up by University Housing at SAU. For several years prior to 2008, the Magnolia Housing Authority coordinated the county’s Angel Tree efforts.