Go Red For Women Day is This Friday to Promote Better Health
In support of Go Red for Women, Wadley Regional Medical Center is participating in the National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 2.
Cardiovascular disease in the U.S. kills approximately one woman every 80 seconds. The good news is that 80 percent of cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes. Go Red For Women advocates for more research and swifter action for women’s heart health.
Go Red For Women is a movement to encourage women to know their numbers. It’s knowledge that could save your life. Five numbers, that all women should know to take control of their heart health are: Total Cholesterol, HDL (good) Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI). Knowing these numbers can help women and their healthcare provider determine their risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. It’s time for all women to learn the most critical numbers in their life — their hearts depend on it.
The event will be held at the Wadley Senior Clinic from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. There will be vital information, free blood screenings and blood pressure checks, heart healthy snacks with recipe cards, a free gift for every woman dressed in red, and a chance to meet some of the providers of the Wadley HeartCare Network.