Kitchens around East Texas will soon be alive with all kinds of activities as families and friends gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more. With all the gathering and party hosting that will be happening over the next couple of months a lot of food is going to be prepared with some scraps left over.

I can remember helping my grandmother prepare the Thanksgiving feast for our family and extended family days before the big event in Blooming Grove, Texas. We would be in her kitchen helping slice celery, dicing onions, toasting bread, cracking eggs and so much more to create her wonderful dressing for the turkey. I wish I had paid closer attention to her, 'measurements', so that I could recreate her masterpiece. Unfortunately, she's passed and so is that wonderful recipe.

In addition to creating the turkey and sides, there are desserts! I'm a sweet-o-holic and love desserts. Especially my late grandfather's pecan pies. What is it about our grandparents cooking? If you're reading this and still have grandparents who are wonderful chefs, soak in their knowledge and get their recipes!

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With so much activity happening in the kitchen preparing the Thanksgiving meal, the last thing you want to do is have to call a plumber to repair any issues with your pipes or clogged drains.

There are things you can do to avoid from having plumbing issues in your home

There are things that you will never want to put down the garbage disposal in your kitchen. Many of the traditional things used to create your Thanksgiving meal can be harmful and detrimental to your disposal and pipes.

So as you crank up that oven to roast the turkey and begin slicing, dicing, and cracking, you might want to have a trash can nearby for the scraps instead of grinding them up in the garbage disposal.

TEXAS: Keep These 10 Foods Out Of Your Garbage Disposal

Avoid placing these things down your garbage disposal. Doing so could save you a lot of time, headache, money, and an emergency after-hours call to your local plumber.

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