Adam West, Della Reese, More Missing From Oscars ‘In Memoriam’ Segment
The Oscars In Memoriam segment has the seemingly impossible task of whittling down a list of the hundreds of industry leaders we lose every year to just the 40 to 45 that’ll fit in the 3-minute long window during the telecast, and, every year, there are those who are inevitably left out. This year, those who didn’t make the cut included singer Della Reese, director Tobe Hooper, and even Batman himself, Adam West.
While giants like Harry Dean Stanton and Jerry Lewis made an appearance in the montage, accompanied by the late Tom Petty’s “Room at the Top” sung by Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, there were even more who had to be left out. Notably absent were Dorothy Malone, best supporting actress winner for Written on the Wind, True Grit’s Glen Campbell, Raging Bull and The Sopranos actor Frank Vincent, The Butler's Nelsan Ellis, Emmy winner Powers Boothe, The Lion King’s Robert Guillaume, The Iron Giant’s and Frasier’s John Mahoney, and House of Cards and The Wire actor Reg E. Cathey. M*A*S*H star David Ogden Stiers was also absent, as he died too recently for the montage to have fit him in.
Many of these stars did, however make the Oscars’ online component to the In Memoriam section, a much lengthier 200+ slideshow of photos of those we lost last year.
Gallery - Every Oscar Best Picture Winner Ever:
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