Remember ‘Happy Wookie’ Candace Payne? What’s She Up To Now?
Man-oh-man, did this lady make you laugh two years ago? She did me, along with millions of Facebook viewers. How many millions? Let's take a look and go ahead and laugh all over again with Candace Payne, two years later.
The numbers on this video are amazing, 173 million views at the time of this writing, 3.4 million shares, almost 18 thousand comments and over 3 million likes.
As morning radio folk, we obviously enjoy making people laugh weekday mornings on Kicker 102-5, and thousands tune every day to listen to great country music, get informed with local news, sports and weather and get a chuckle or two from us. Believe me, we appreciate it very much. What Candace did with this one video is simply amazing though, she made millions of people LOL for months from the same video.
Yeah, I'm a little jealous.
Good for you Candace, it was fun to watch it all over again just past the videos two-year anniversary. If you would like to catch up with Candace check out the second video below which she recorded in the same parking lot two years later. Plus follow her Facebook page.
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