My Favorite Song By Garth Brooks [VIDEO]
Every Garth Brooks fan has a favorite song by him.For me, it's a song entitled, "The Dance". When I first heard this song in 1990 while in college, I thought his voice was soulful and captured such raw emotion. It's funny the memories we remember when you hear an artist's name or particular song.
When I heard that Garth Brooks announced a 2014 World Tour, I remembered buying the album "Garth Brooks" on cassette from Buddy's Music store on Beechmont Avenue which was right next to the McDonald's in Cincinnati, a favorite hang out when I was in high school. I couldn't wait to get home and play this new album on my stereo in my basement apartment. In reality it was just a room but when you grew up with five other siblings and shared a room with your older sister your entire life, it felt like I was living in another space and time.
So I cranked up my stereo and memorized all the words to this album including my favorite song, "The Dance." Even now I can sing along with Garth as if it was yesterday but obviously not in the same key as my husband will attest to. However, back then the only thing that mattered was that I could relate to the emotional pull of the lyrics which reminded me to keep living my life despite the many challenges I would face.
Today, I played the "Dance" and remembered a simpler time in many ways but also thought of the various situations and decisions I made along the way. Those decisions have shaped me into the person I am now and I wouldn't change a thing. Therefore, as Garth Brooks says "I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance."