‘Stamp Out Hunger Day’ Set for May 11 in Texarkana
How would you like to help stamp out hunger? This Saturday, May, 11, letter carriers from Texarkana Ark., and Texarkana, Texas will be picking up non-perishable food items from our community who wish to donate to help hunger relief locally.
This food drive benefits Harvest Texarkana, Domestic Violence Prevention, Randy Sam's Shelter, Salvation Army, and Mission Texarkana.
It's simple to donate just place a bag of food next to your mailbox or inside your mailbox before the mail runs on Saturday to be picked up. Your mail carrier will then deliver the non-perishable food items to its designated food banks and organizations.
If you do not receive a donation bag, food donation items can still be left in your mailbox before Saturday's pick up time.
Items Needed:
- Canned Meats
- Canned Fish
- Soup
- Vegetables
- Pasta
- Cereal
- Rice
Please do not include items that have expired or are in glass containers and please no refrigerated foods.
"Stamp Out Hunger Day" is the largest single-day food drive in the nation.