59 Total Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report 5/22
59 Total Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report 5/22
59 Total Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report 5/22
The first official day of summer is still a month away but the summertime shenanigans have already begun. Luckily, last week's arrest numbers were lower than the week before but still nothing to get excited about. There were 59 total arrests in Bowie County last week, down from 72 the week before. Bowie County Deputies were responsible for 31 of those, while other area law enforcement agencies bro
72 Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report May 16
72 Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report May 16
72 Arrests Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report May 16
Graduation is upon us in mid-May, let's hope that none of our graduates end up on this list from last week. There were 72 total arrests in Bowie County last week, BCSO was responsible for 34 of those, while other area law enforcement agencies brought in 38.
88 Arrests In Bowie County Last Week, Sheriff's Report for 4/18
88 Arrests In Bowie County Last Week, Sheriff's Report for 4/18
88 Arrests In Bowie County Last Week, Sheriff's Report for 4/18
Halfway through the month of April and here we are, getting ready for yet another holiday, Mother's Day will be here before long, and for once, can we think of momma and NOT get arrested that week? Well, we're not there yet, so let's explore what happened last week in Bowie County. There were 88 total arrests in Bowie County the week after Easter, 18 more than last week. Bowie County deputies brou
70 Arrests In Bowie County for Easter Week - Sheriff's Report Apr
70 Arrests In Bowie County for Easter Week - Sheriff's Report Apr
70 Arrests In Bowie County for Easter Week - Sheriff's Report Apr
We hope everyone had a great Easter holiday this past weekend, but we all know it wasn't great for everyone. There were 70 total arrests in Bowie County the week of Easter, which ticked up a few from the previous week. Bowie County deputies brought in 25 of those, while other area law enforcement agencies brought in 45.
80 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report March 13
80 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report March 13
80 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report March 13
Thank goodness the arrest numbers went the other way this week from 94 two weeks ago down to 80 last week. Those may not be good numbers, but they are better. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Deputies processed 28 of those, while other area law enforcement agencies in Bowie County brought in 52.
Bowie County Sheriff's Report Has 51 Arrests Jan 16 - 22
Bowie County Sheriff's Report Has 51 Arrests Jan 16 - 22
Bowie County Sheriff's Report Has 51 Arrests Jan 16 - 22
Week #3 of the new year and things calmed a little in Bowie County from the very busy week before. Last week saw 51 total arrests in Bowie County, Sheriff's Deputies arrested 22 of those while 29 were arrested by other area law enforcement agencies and turned over to the BCSO.
67 Total Arrests - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Tues, 12/6
67 Total Arrests - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Tues, 12/6
67 Total Arrests - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Tues, 12/6
Holiday over so it's everyone back on their worst behavior I guess. Bowie County arrests went back up quite a bit last week following the Thanksgiving Holiday, there were a total of 67 people arrested in Bowie County last week, 22 were by Sheriff's Deputies, while 45 were arrested by other area law enforcement agencies and turned over to the BCSO. Here's last weeks report from the Bowie County She
61 Arrested In Bowie County Last Week - Sheriff's Report 11/14-20
61 Arrested In Bowie County Last Week - Sheriff's Report 11/14-20
61 Arrested In Bowie County Last Week - Sheriff's Report 11/14-20
Arrests in Bowie County were down a little bit more from the previous week for a total of 61 last week. There were 29 people arrested by Sheriff's Deputies last week, while 32 were arrested by other area law enforcement agencies and turned over to Bowie County. This is your Bowie County Sheriff's Office report, prepared by Bowie County Chief Deputy Robby McCarver. This report is for the week of No
76 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Oct 10
76 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Oct 10
76 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for Oct 10
Whatever reason there might be for things to be slow the week before were sure made up for last week in Bowie County, Texas. One bright spot, the weekend wasn't bad at all. There were 24 people arrested by BCSO last week, and 52 were arrested by other area law enforcement agencies and turned over to the Bowie County Sheriff's Office. This is your Bowie County Sheriff's Office report prepared by Ch
55 Arrests Highlight Slower Week For Bowie County Sheriff Report
55 Arrests Highlight Slower Week For Bowie County Sheriff Report
55 Arrests Highlight Slower Week For Bowie County Sheriff Report
Bowie County Sheriff's Deputies had a bit of a down week, last week, at least when it comes to arrests anyway, not that we're complaining. There were 19 people arrested by BCSO last week, and 36 were arrested by law enforcement agencies other than BCSO and were turned over to Bowie County. Most of the bad things happened over the weekend. Here is your Bowie County Sheriff's Office report prepared
76 Total Arrests Last Week in Bowie County, Here's Your Sheriff's
76 Total Arrests Last Week in Bowie County, Here's Your Sheriff's
76 Total Arrests Last Week in Bowie County, Here's Your Sheriff's
Arrests were up for your Bowie County Sheriff's Office last week, thankfully other areas they were down a bit. There were 27 people arrested by BCSO last week, and 49 people were arrested by law enforcement agencies other than BCSO which were turned over to Bowie County. Thursday and Friday were the busiest days this past this week, thankfully Saturday and Sunday things calmed down a little. Here

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