The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors meet tonight at 6PM at Arkansas side City Hall.

Here is the agenda for tonight's meeting:


Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation given by Director Tim Johnson
4.Pledge of Allegiance by Director Tim Johnson
5.Comments from the Mayor
 Presentation of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas Employee/Retirement Service Awards. (CCD)
7.Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting October 16, 2017 and the called meeting October 19, 2017. (CCD)

Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Scott Equipment for the purchase of an excavator. (TWU)


Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Kampco, Inc., for the construction of the Sanderson Lane Water Main Relocation Project. (TWU)


Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with TEC, Inc., to replace the culvert pipe under Lauren Drive. (PWD)


Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company for actuarial services for the Texarkana Arkansas Public Employee Retirement System (TAPERS). (FIN)


Adopt a Resolution to amend the year end 2017 Budget to include a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant to purchase new radios for the Fire Department. (FIN)

13.Adopt a Resolution to accept the proposal from Stephens, Inc., to issue a new Franchise Fee Secured Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds. (FIN) Finance Director TyRhonda Henderson
14.Consider the following appeal to rezone property located at 1501 E. 24th Street from R-2 Single-family residential to R-3 Low-density residential. (PWD-Planning) City Planner Mary Beck
 A.Adopt the Planning Commission’s recommendation of denial;
 B.Vote to return the matter to the Planning Commission for further study and recommendation; or
 C.Adopt an Ordinance to rezone the property over the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
15.Adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8-17 for the sale or transfer of the Grantee’s ownership interest in the residential units located at 215 Front Street and 105 Olive Street. (PWD) Public Works Director Jeff Whitten
16.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
17.Executive Session
 A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. [Advertising and Promotion Commission, Equalization Board, Heating and Air Conditioning Board of Review, Planning Commission, and Southwest Arkansas Development Council] (CCD)
 B.Boards and Commissions Expiration of Terms. (CCD)



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